I published a new version of MacVim on last week Monday and was quite happy
with it. It was early morning, I published it at 7:30 AM (UTC-3) and went to
work. Of course, being an avid user of Vim, the first thing I did at work was
updating my copy of MacVim.
Then things went awry. MacVim crashed at launch (of course, it didn’t occur at
home). E-mails started popping on my inbox. Starting without a .vimrc
fine, so it was a problem with plugins. Probably I had compiled it against
wrong version of Ruby (I use RVM and install several Ruby versions, but MacVim
must be compiled against system Ruby), but I was quite sure I had issued a rvm use system
before. When I came back home, I tried to investigate a little
further and, as I suspected, it was Ruby (it crashed when I used Command-T
plugin). But how? Well, I was so tired that I went to bed and decided to look
at the issue later.